Stafford House

Holiday Flat


Home Facilities Attractions Bookings


Sitting Room: Comfortably furnished with three piece suite, television and dvd player.


Dining Room: Small room with dining suite.


Kitchen/Breakfast Room: Large pleasant room, gas hob, electric oven, fridge/freezer, microwave,washing machine and dishwasher.


Bedroom 1: Double bed, wash hand basin.


Bedroom 2: Two single beds, folding bed, wash hand basin.


Bathroom: Bath with automatic shower, wash hand basin, lavatory.


Garden: Patio area with garden chairs, a small lawn and drying facilites.


Accessibility: There are 4 steps up to the front door and inside 4 down to the bathroom and kitchen area. Bedroom 2 has a steep step staircase. Handrails are provided and a hand grip in the bathroom.


Parking: Parking is permitted outside the house. Visitors may, if necessary, leave their cars outside the garage which is located at the rear of the house.


* Parents of very small children should note that the bedrooms are not next to each other. Bedroom 1 is at the fromt of the flat next to the sitting room and bedroom 2 at the back up its own flight of stairs